G.I.S. is the acronym for Geographic Information Systems. In this article I will explain the importance of G.I.S and why it is an important and lucrative career for the future. Elementary aged children can be exposed to ArcGIS software at an early age.
G.I.S is an analysis tool that can be used for various areas; health, city government, transportation, urban planning, business marketing, geology, natural disaster preparedness, social media, and environmental science. A career in G.I.S can be an essential career for children who are interested in web applications and computer programming. The career can also be of interest to children who are interested in mathematics and statistical analysis. G.I.S can be used to gather consumer and population data within specific geographical areas such as countries, states, cities, and townships. Skills that can be beneficial for a career in G.I.S are; data entry, data analysis/interpretation, mathematics, coding, and research analysis.
The image below is an example of a G.I.S map that I created for a past project.
Figure 1. Brownfield Sites in Detroit, Wright 2017
Possible Job Titles for careers in G.I.S
1. G.I.S Analyst
2. G.I.S Technician
3. G.I.S Specialist
4. Cartographer
5. CAD Technician
G.I.S Career Resources
Free trial and ArcGIS map for children
Free Introductory Course to ArcGIS
G.I.S Specialist Salary and Career Description
GeoMentors Program
Urbannature4kids is a part of the GeoMentors program A.A.G (American Association of Geographers), it is essential for children and students to gain exposure to the lucrative career field G.I.S (Geographic Information Systems). It is important for public schools to implement G.I.S into their curriculum.“Esri is donating free access to its ArcGIS online geographic information systems (GIS) software to all U.S. K-12 schools to introduce geospatial technology and geographic concepts to students” (GeoMentors 2019). Click here to learn more information about the free G.I.S software and assistance that is available for K-12 public schools.
Below are a list of activities for upper grade levels. Younger children who are advanced in technology can also do the activities.
Download a paid or free-trial of G.I.S on the ArcGIS website.
1. GeoInquiries: Earth Science map courses by Esri for middle school and high school aged students. Topics include; topography, climate, earthquakes, volcanoes, oceans, and weather.
- Esri.com.[online] Available at https://www.esri.com [Accessed 9 March. 2019]
- Esri.com. (2019). ArcGIS Trial | Free 21-Day Trial. [online] Available at: https://www.esri.com/en-us/arcgis/trial [Accessed 28 Mar. 2019]
- Environmentalscience.org. (2019). [online] Available at: https://www.environmentalscience.org/careers [Accessed 9 Mar. 2019]
- Geomentors.net. (2019). GEOMENTORS.NET. [online] Available at: http://www.geomentors.net/about [Accessed 28 Mar. 2019].
- qgis.org.[online] Available at https://www.qgis.org[Accessed 9March. 2019]